Welcome to Judiones de la Granja.com Here we pay tribute to this fantastic Segovian product. Without any doubt an ace of our gastronomy in Castile-Leon which with the Cochinillo Asado, the Cordero Lechal, and the Chorizo de Cantimpalos is a high gastronomic poker with any rival in nation-wide.

Sabor y saber
Hasta en las cosas más sencillas de la vida se necesita saber. Lo mejor y lo auténtico no se alcanza en un día y muchas veces la historia y la tradición tiene que avalar. Disfrutar de unos judiones no tiene precio. Saborear el conocimiento de generaciones tampoco.

Plaza de España, 15 40100 Real Sitio de San Ildefonso (Segovia) España

1 Kilo of judiones (beans) worth 12 portions. Emplace the judiones in a casserole-pressure cooker. – Soak the beans 24 hours before – 2 pig ears chopped – 2 pig feet chopped – 12 chunks of chorizo – 1 ognon medium-sized minced – 6 cloves of garlic minced – Half spoon of sweet pepper – […]

Originally the bean is from the American continent. The bean produced in La Granja is called the Spanish Bean (Phaseolus coccineus). There is a likeness between the beans of La Granja and Vulgaris. The Judion de la Granja takes advantage by being cultivated in a very good exploitation farm close to the mountain chain of […]